Visegrad Fund

Nová síť has been a leader of the project Connecting V4 ART-IN-RES - an international project that maps opportunities for artists residencies in performing arts within the V4 countries, supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

Artist residencies could be one of the key impulses for development of performing arts. However, what is the state of artist residencies within the Visegrad region, which includes us? In order to answer this question, we have initiated the project Connecting V4 ART-IN-RES, which has begun in 2021. Our research is based on: first, preliminary data from our consulting activities that often relate to artists residencies; second, on our analysis of the needs of foreign artists whom we meet on a regular basis during the Malá Inventura Festival. We have already established that artists residencies nurture artist’s ability to create freely and, at the same time, effect decentralization of art practices. They support mobility between the countries and, as a result, increase opportunities for international collaboration and bring funding variability for new projects. However, the details of conditions and state of realization in each country will be known only upon the completion of the project in 2022.


The project’s aim was to map the current situation of arts residency practice in V4 countries and Belarus, and to inform about its development, opportunities, requirements and realisation status. The entire project was carried out from 2020 to 2022 and consisted of meetings, discussions, and mobility of artists within the V4 countries. The main part of the project consisted of meetings of industry experts, managers and artists interested in the topic, organized by project partners in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. The meetings yielded a number of inspiring conversations providing a closer look at the local specifics of arts residency programmes in individual countries. A final presentation of the research results took place in February 2022 at the Malá Inventura Festival as part of the one-day Symposium ART-IN-RES, which mapped the situation and practical impacts related to the development of residency centres in the Czech Republic and the V4.


The project’s most valuable contributions include a thorough mapping of the situation in each V4 country, sharing of experiences, inspiration, networking, and an opportunity for future cooperation of the project participants. The main output of the project includes an online and printed publication called The Phenomenon of Arts Residencies in V4 Countries.


L1 Független Művészek Közhasznú Egyesület - Hungary / STOWARZYSZENIE TEATRALNE A PART - Poland / Tabačka Kulturfabrik n.o. - Slovakia / Культ. Центр КОРПУС (Cultural Center CORPUS) - Belarus /

23. 2. 2021 Kick off meeting / Malá Inventura Festival → preparatory and organisation meeting followed by presentation of the project Connecting V4 ART-IN-RES to the public
12.-14. 6. 2021 Meeting in Katowice / International Performing Arts Festival A Part organised by Teatr A Part → 13. 6. performance Kaffeklatch by Holektiv company from the Czech republic in Katowice
→ 14. 6. presentation of the project to the proffesionals working in performing arts field and a discussion regarding arts residencies in Polland
1.-4. 9. 2021 Meeting in Budapest / L1dance Fest 2021 organised by L1 Association → 1. 9. performance The Rite of Spring by Theatre A Part in Budapest
→ 2. 9. presentation of the project to the proffesionals working in performing arts field and a discussion regarding arts residencies in Hungary
1.-3. 10. 2021 Meeting in Košice / ART-IN-RES FEST organised by Tabačka Kulturfabrik → 2. 10. presentation of the project to proffesionals working in performing arts field and a discussion regarding arts residencies in Slovakia.
21. 2. 2022 Final meeting in Prague / Sympozium ART-IN-RES as part of the Malá inventura Festival → conclusion of the project - the presentations of research findings by V4 and Belarusian representatives
31. 10. 2022 Publication: The Phenomenon of Arts Residencies in V4 Countries

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

The final publication can be found below: